How to Build a Tribe to Support Your Growth
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash
One of the best ways to support your personal growth is by having a team of support to keep you accountable. There is a lot of value in surrounding yourself with people who genuinely care about whether or not you’re happy, whether or not you’re hitting your goals, and who are willing to help you get through life’s challenges.
With the right people behind you to inspire, motivate and challenge you, you can do anything. Of course, you have to do your part to make things happen, but having a team can help expedite results, and at minimum, help to keep you on track.
“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”
Having abandonment issues (from growing up without a father and having a mom who worked two jobs most of my life) has been my excuse to hang onto relationships longer than I should. Even when relationships are completely severed (badly), I still find myself longing for things to return to “the good old days.”
As a Libra, I always seek balance and fairness, so this is a major theme in my relationships. I am thankful that along my self-growth journey, I’ve learned that I naturally long for certain relationships (even the bad ones), and it’s something I have to watch out for as habits don’t die easy.
Looking back at my life, I can now appreciate all the lessons I’ve learned about building relationships that serve and honor you (instead of draining and depleting you). The tribe I have behind me right now is the strongest it’s ever been, but that only came after I got real about what I wanted in life after I stopped being afraid of hearing the word “no,” when I realized my self-worth and when I refused to “settle” for less than what I deserve.
From here on out, I only seek to be in relationships where I can see myself without being ridiculed and where both parties work together to create mutually beneficial interactions. These types of relationships help me feel lighter and inspired to take on the world. They leave me feeling like I can breathe like never before.
I heavily stress to women how crucial building a healthy support system is to get where you want to be in life. I constantly thank my tribe for their love and support. Life is so much better when you have badasses around!
If you’re in a position where it’s time to evaluate or build your tribe, I’m here to help. Here are the things I recommend you do:
Evaluate your life values
When you know what’s important to you, it’s easier to make decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Taking time to determine what you value (the things that are important to you) can help you prioritize relationships with like-minded women. I recommend you have five values and that you evaluate them as you grow and change. What is important to you as a single female without kids can change as you build relationships with serious partners and have kids. As you come up with your list of values, make sure what you list comes from inside of your heart and not what has been placed on you by others.
Remove dead weight
Do you know those people in your life that are always bringing you drama and negative energy? Let them go, let them go, let them go! The longer you hang onto people who drain your energy, the less time you’re going to have to get where you want to be in life. If people don’t align with the values you created, they might not be the right person to take along in the next chapter of your life’s journey.
I always try to keep this saying top of mind: “People are here for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” The truth is most people you come across won’t be around forever. Learn to appreciate the experiences and lessons the people in your life have taught you without holding onto the expectation that the relationship will last forever. You change, people change, and circumstances change. It’s part of life.
Become the person you’d like to meet
Have you heard the saying, “you attract that which you are?” I have found that to be true. Since I became determined to do my Werk to feel confident in showing the world my true, authentic self, I have attracted people who share my values. Talk the talk and walk the walk, and you’ll be amazed at what types of opportunities come your way.
I hope this information helps you along your journey. If you have any specific questions about my journey or would like to chat about this topic, don’t hesitate to reach out. And, if you’re looking for a group to help keep you accountable as you create the life you deserve, check out the Queendom Moves Academy!
Ashton Lynne : )